Bishop Martin L. Nelson is the first of seven children born to Franklin and Gladys Nelson on the Island of Grenada, West Indies. At seventeen, he became a police officer on the neighboring Island of Antigua. He later rose to the position of a special agent to the Prime Minister. While in Antigua, Martin met and married Lenore Martin, his wife of over 40 years. She also served in the police force.
Bishop Nelson attended the New York School of the Bible to satiate his appetite for God’s word. There, he studied the life of the Patriarchs and Biblical literature. Bishop Nelson received certificates in Old and New Testament history and surveys. His quest for bible knowledge continued to Manhattan Bible Institute, where he exhausted the entire curriculum of studies, including Advance Pedagogy and Pastoral Excellence. Bishop Nelson also earned certificates in Christian Education through Anchor Theological Seminary. He is also a New York City Technical Institute graduate with an associate’s degree in social work. He also received a Bachelor of Science in Management from Nyack College and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Alliance University.
Bishop Nelson has also worked in various areas of Christian ministry. For over seven years, he attended Calvary Church of the First Born in Brooklyn, New York, serving as Youth Pastor and assistant to Pastor Cecil Henry. Bishop Nelson spent many years volunteering with the Soul Release Prison Ministry and has worked closely with Teen Challenge and Anchor House. He is also a Certified Chaplin in the State of New York.
Bishop Nelson has been a guiding light in our community for over twenty years. Many love and respect him and are often called upon for his wisdom and expertise. With a deep enthusiasm and commitment to studying and knowing the Word, he has inspired countless individuals to do the same and lead lives of loving and knowing God more deeply.
Bishop Nelson, our beloved community leader, has spearheaded various initiatives to enhance the well-being of our neighborhood. His efforts include organizing food drives and helping individuals access physical, emotional, and spiritual support. He is well-known for going above and beyond to connect with people and foster connections among those outside his organization. He works tirelessly to advise, coach, and counsel myriads of laities and clergy from all walks of life on church administration and other spiritual matters. He is actively involved with various organizations, such as AJC, the New Rochelle Clergy Association, NYSUM, Adult & Teen Challenge, and Jews for Jesus.
Bishop Nelson is the Senior Pastor at Bezer Holiness Church, New Rochelle, NY, and general overseer of the Bezer Churches in Jamaica, West Indies. He also partners with churches such as Calvary Community, Gospel Church of the First Born, and Life-Giving Church.